
Blake K. Stevison, M.S. student.

Major advisor: Barney Luttbeg.

Behavioral Ecology, Evolutionary Ecology, Predator-Prey interactions.


B.S. 2010, Oklahoma State University

Phone: 580-402-6560


Lab website

Specific Interests

I am interested in understanding how adaptive state-dependent behavior influences the evolution of animal personality or behavioral syndromes. I am currently trying to determine the relative importance of early foraging success on antipredator behavior using freshwater snails (Physa sp.) as a model system. I will look at both boldness (measured by foraging effort), and consistency of later behavioral responses in relation to their initial states (manipulated by resource levels).


Selected publications

Stevison, B. K., P. T. Biggs, & C. I. Abramson (2010). Google earth as a source of ancillary material in a history of psychology class. Psychological Reports 106 (3): 665-670.