Rachel Ritchie

Rachel Ritchie, M.S. student.

Major advisor: Karen McBee

conservation biology, disease ecology, mammalogy


B.S. 2015, Abilene Christian University

Email: arritch@ostatemail.okstate.edu

website: http://annarritchie.wix.com/rachelritchie 

Specific Interests

My research interests lie in the interactions of mammals with their communities. My current project focuses on bat species affected by white-nose syndrome. White-nose syndrome is an emerging epidemic among North American bats that has caused the death of more than 5.5 million bats since 2006. My research combines physical and acoustic surveys, habitat analysis, and disease screening to investigate the present and potential impacts of white-nose syndrome in Eastern Oklahoma and other vulnerable areas.

  • Lee, T., Ritchie, A.R., Vaca, S. 2015. Small Mammals of Guandera Biological Reserve, Carchi Province, Ecuador and Comparative Andean Small Mammal Ecology. Museum of Texas Tech University Occasional Papers. 334:1-17.