
Jessica L. O’Connell, Ph.D. student.

Major advisor: Loren Smith.

Global change ecology, including disturbance ecology, changing landscapes, wetland ecosystems, and global climate change.

M.S. 2006, Louisiana State University

Email: jessica.oconnell@okstate.edu

Personal website:  www.conservationecology.weebly.com


Specific Interests

I primarily am interested in how disturbance processes interact with ecosystem condition (biodiversity and cycling of abiotic factors) to influence services and functions. I have examined these effects across multiple components of ecosystems, including soil, hydrology, plants and wildlife.


Selected publications

  • O’Connell, J L and JA Nyman. 2010. Marsh Terraces in Coastal Louisiana Increase Marsh Edge and Densities of Waterbirds. Wetlands 30:125-135.
  • O’Connell, J L and J A Nyman. In Press. Effects of marsh pond terracing on coastal wintering waterbirds before and after Hurricane Rita. Environmental Management. DOI: 10.1007/s00267-011-9741-1