
Cody Barnes, Ph.D. student.

Major advisor: Shawn Wilder.

Ecology, Nutrition, Carnivores.


M.S. 2012, University of Arkansas at Little Rock.



Specific Interests

Broadly, I seek to apply technological solutions for increasing the current knowledge of ecosystem function. As a result, my research interests span a diverse range of taxa and topics.

With the Wilder Lab at Oklahoma State University, I will explore the nutritional ecology of arthropod carnivores. The acquisition, assimilation, and allocation of nutrients drive numerous components of physiology and behavior. Carnivorous organisms implement many different consumptive strategies to optimize nutrients and also span a wide spectrum of sizes. My present research considers mantis and spider foraging behavior to extrapolate the broader ecological consequences of nutrient selection. My peripheral interests also include wildlife conservation and management, particularly pertaining to the maintenance of nutrients and other resources within habitats.