Andrea Acevedo


Andrea Acevedo, Ph.D. student.

Major advisor: Stanley F. Fox.

Evolution, Sexual Selection, Animal Behavior, Ecological Immunology, Animal Coloration, Herpetology.


M.S. 2009, University of Texas at Arlington.

Phone: 405-744-5555


Specific Interests

I am interested in all aspects of animal behavior. My research focuses on sexual selection in hatchlings of collared lizards, specifically I am studying how male's coloration (orange bars) relates to testosterone levels, aggression and ultimately their fitness.


Selected publications

Acosta, A., A. Acevedo. 2006. Population structure and colony condition of Dendrogyra cylindrus (Anthozoa: Scleractinea) in Providencia Island, Colombian Caribbean. Proceedings 10th International Coral Reef Symposium, Okinawa, Japan. 4-21: 1605-1610.