Jason Bried


Jason Bried, Ph.D. student.

Major advisor: Andy Dzialowski and Craig Davis.

Insect conservation, applied odonatology, wetland ecosystems, restoration monitoring.


M.S. 2005, Mississippi State University.

Email: bried@okstate.edu

Specific Interests

My main research areas include insect conservation, applied odonatology (dragonflies and damselflies), wetland assessment and classification, sampling and analysis issues, floristic quality assessment, restoration monitoring, and community ecology. As a research assistant I am helping with an EPA-funded project to define reference wetlands throughout Oklahoma. For my dissertation I plan to study how odonatology may be used to advance wetland conservation.


Selected Publications

  • Bried, J.T., F. D’Amico, and M.J. Samways. 2011. A critique of the dragonfly delusion hypothesis: why sampling exuviae does not avoid bias. Insect Conservation and Diversity, doi: 10.1111/j.1752-4598.2011.00171.x
  • Bried, J.T., and J. Pellet. 2011. Optimal design of butterfly occupancy surveys and testing if occupancy converts to abundance for sparse populations. Journal of Insect Conservation, doi: 10.1007/s1084-011-9435-2
  • Bried, J.T., and A.M. Dillon. 2011. Bee diversity in scrub oak patches 2 years after mow and herbicide treatment. Insect Conservation and Diversity, doi: 10.1111/j.1752-4598.2011.00154.x
  • Bried, J.T., and J.A. Hecht. 2011. Comparison of herbicide treatments to control native aspen encroachment in pine barrens. Natural Areas Journal 31:288-293.
  • Bried, J.T., and G.N. Ervin. 2011. Randomized intervention analysis for detecting non-random change and management impact: Dragonfly examples. Ecological Indicators 11:535-539.
  • Bried, J.T., and C.A. Mazzacano. 2010. National review of state wildlife action plans for Odonata species of greatest conservation need. Insect Conservation and Diversity 3:61-71.
  • Bried, J.T. 2009. Information costs of reduced-effort habitat monitoring in a butterfly recovery program. Journal of Insect Conservation 13:615-626.
  • Bried, J.T., and G.J. Edinger. 2009. Baseline floristic assessment and classification of pine barrens vernal ponds. Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 136:128-136.
  • Bried, J.T., and G.N. Ervin. 2007. Intraspecific models and spatiotemporal context of size-mass relationships in adult dragonflies. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 26:681-693.
  • Bried, J.T., B.D. Herman, and G.N. Ervin. 2007. Umbrella potential of plants and dragonflies for wetland conservation: a quantitative case study using the umbrella index. Journal of Applied Ecology 44:833-842.
  • Bried, J.T., and G.N. Ervin. 2006. Abundance patterns of dragonflies along a wetland buffer. Wetlands 26:878-883.