Bart Kensinger


Bart Kensinger, Ph.D. student.

Major advisor: Barney Luttbeg.

Sexual selection and speciation.


B.Sc. 2005, University of Missouri


Personal website

Specific Interests

My current research focuses on character displacement in two species of sympatric katydids in the Trans-Pecos region of Texas. I am interested in how sexual signal competition affects male and female choice, and the role of mate choice in reproductive isolation.


Selected publications

  • Hunt, J. H., B. J. Kensinger, J. A. Kossuth, M. T. Henshaw, K. Norberg, F. Wolschin, and G. V. Amdam.  2007.  A diapause pathway underlies the gyne phenotype in Polistes wasps, revealing an evolutionary route to caste-containing insect societies. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 104: 14020-14025.