Lexi Hill, a Senior at Deer Creek High School, received first place in the Oklahoma Stockholm Junior Water Prize competition for her project titled “Municipal wastewater effluent has sublethal effects on freshwater snails (Helisoma trivolvis)”. Lexi is a student in Ms. Kaytlyn Goodwin’s (OSU 2015) science class and was mentored by Chris Goodchild, a PhD student in Sarah DuRant’s lab. The Stockholm Junior Water Prize is awarded by the Oklahoma Water Environment Association (OWEA) and the Water Environment Federation (WEF). This prize recognizes outstanding student research in water science and sustainability (for more see: http://www.siwi.org/prizes/stockholmjuniorwaterprize/). The award carries an all expenses paid trip to the national competition in Charlotte, NC, where Lexi will be competing for the opportunity to share her research with an international audience in Stockholm, Sweden. Congratulations, Lexi!


 Lexi Hill 2016